Zodiac LRZ Gas Heater

Free Delivery and Installation   Perth Metro


Zodiac-Jandy have been in the business of designing and selling the world’s best gas heaters for the last 50yrs and the  LRZ range is a tried and trusted performer, often being the benchmark against which others are compared.


LRZ gas heaters are perfect for most pool or spa applications and provide quick responsive heat up times.



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Gas heaters are the best for heating pools or spas up quickly as they use direct and constant heat from a flame either through natural gas or LPG tanks.


A gas heater is an ideal choice for anyone who uses their pool sporadically throughout the year and may only want to heat it occasionally such as when friends are coming over or for the weekend.
Gas heaters come in a number of different sizes and should be sized correctly for the pool and they are generally measured in Mega Joules (Mj) or British Thermal Units (BTU’s) for performance.


In Australia the most common reference is Mj which is a standard for measuring energy, usually in reference to gas usage.


Zodiac’s range of  LRZ heaters range from 250 Mj right up to 422 Mj which is able to heat a large 100,000L pool up to a warm 28°C in less than a day* during winter.


Features and Benefits


* Temperature increase up by 11°C in low wind conditions



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